
  • EM Brandy 412

    Long Nantes carrot hybrid, developed for the fresh market as a bunch or “Cello-Pack” carrot. This extremely uniform variety produces cylindrical roots, about 18 to 22 inches in length; compares well to the European type Nantes. Tops are strong, dark green, about 40 to 45 cm in height. This variety has shown a very good tolerance to Alternaria dauci and some field tolerance to Cavity Spot.

  • EM Brandy 417

    Nantes hybrid with smooth, heavy, cylindrical root; 18 - 20 cm in length. Bright orange color. For Mexico, Middle East, & South America. Good resistance to breaking.

  • EM Brandy 421

    Beautiful refined Nantes type carrot with year-round production capabilities and cylindrical, well filled roots. This variety has very good cold and bolting tolerance and is approximately 22-26 cm in length. Their structure is firm and hard to break. The foliage is medium long and erect. EM 421 is uniform, productive, and tolerant to foliar diseases.

  • EMN 515

    Larger Nantes with very smooth finish, cylindrical root, very uniform with consistent blunt tip. Uniform production; excellent for Middle East, Turkey, and South America. Strong tops with good foliar disease resistance. Excellent interior color.

  • EMN 520

    Hybrid Nantes variety with very heavy, strong roots; excellent for Mexican market. Strong tops, good foliar disease resistance. Beautiful, deep orange interior color.

  • EMN 532

    Very heavy blocky Nantes for South America. Uniform production of strong cylindrical roots with excellent orange interiors and resistant tops.

  • EMN 591

    Refined Nantes hybrid; blunt roots; relatively early for classic Nantes production. Roots are strong and resist breakage. Highly recommended for Mexico.

  • EMN 593

    Very refined, highly cylindrical Nantes; strong blunt tip and tops. Very attractive exterior and internal dark orange color. Uniform production allowing high marketable yields.

  • EMN 614

    Attractive smooth Nantes, good blunt tip. Recommended for Turkey, Middle East, and South America. Very smooth with excellent exterior and interior color.

Postal Address

P.O. Box 1670

El Centro, CA 92244


Physical Address

1735 Austin Road

El Centro, CA 92243


Contact Us

TEL: (760) 353-1036